The eagle as a symbol of the Union was depicted more during this time than any other in the nation's history.

The idea of Liberty personified as a woman wearing stars and stripes also originated around the year 1860.

...And if you were curious, here's what my 19th century drawing kit looks like that I take to events so I can sit around and sketch.
The pencil case is made of wood and has a sliding cover that won't slide completely out. I don't know what kind of wood it is, but it smells like pine. I draw with cedar pencils and when the tip gets dull, I whittle it to a point it with my folding jacknife. There are some sticks of vine charcoal, some very old drawing instruments like a compass and dip pen (how old I'm not sure, they look like 19th century), and a natural rubber eraser. I like to sit around the fire and draw in camp because it gives me something to do besides loaf around, talk and eat. When I practice sketch at home, sometimes I like to work by candlelight and listen to some camp songs to get me "in the zone." Something about putting a pencil to paper in the dim flickering light of a fire makes me forget what century it is. I find it a good atmosphere to create in.
They look good! I love your little drawing kit.